2 years ago

Cheer up ‘blue Monday’ with a free coffee at Megan’s

Say boo to blue Monday with this sweet little deal at Megan’s. Buy a main course and they’ll give you a free coffee!

Credit: @megansrestaurants

Ugh, it’s officially Blue Monday. If you don’t know, it’s the day in the year that has been calculated to be the most depressing day of the year. A combination of the post-Christmas come down, the cold, dark days and the financial squeeze that comes after silly season has passed means that a lot of people are feeling, well, a little down.

Megan’s have decided to cheer up your Blue Monday in the best way we can think of! With caffeine. To get your hands on one just buy any main dish and you’ll have your pick of any of their delicious hot drinks. Let’s face it: Mondays are hard. Blue Monday is extra tough. Coffee makes it a little bit better so make the most of this treat from Megan’s.

Latte lovers and flat white fans, this is for you.

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