2 months ago

Electric Avenue got dressed up for Christmas in 1908

There are some truly magical pictures circulating the web of what Electric Avenue looked like in the Christmas period of 1908.

The street was named Electric Avenue because it one of the very first in London to be lit up at night with electric lights, and in the late 1880’s was pioneering in its powered lights that meant that the dark London streets were on their way out.

Fast forward a 20 years and Christmas time on Electric Avenue was extra sparkly. The street really did deck their halls; with foliage adorning each building and huge wreaths hanging from the centre of the pavement which made a tunnel for pedestrians, it was quite the sight. There were also banners that read ‘Christmas Greetings’ and a hanging horseshoe, which had a sign stating ‘We wish a prosperous year for all who pass under this lucky shoe’. So very cheerful!

Because of the newly illuminated streets, the decorations would have been even more spectacular to Edwardian London at the time. The electricity in the area made Brixton a different place to what we know and love today. Back in the early 20th Century the area was known for its upmarket shopping and attracted a very well-to-do class of people, hence the pictures showing groups of people almost as well adorned as the streets.

There may have been less tinsel and fewer fairy lights, but back in the day Brixton really dressed up for Christmas.

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