2 years ago
Out of the 33 London boroughs, Lambeth has come 8th in the ‘healthy street scorecard’ as reported by the Healthy Streets Coalition.
The group is comprised of transport, health, road safety and environment campaigners who want to highlight the moves each borough is making year on year in the aim of London becoming a ‘healthier’ place as a whole. They do that by scoring and ranking each borough in 10 indicators:
Those indicators give a wholistic overview on how the borough is performing, giving the scorecard a good representation of how healthy it is. In 2023 Lambeth got a score of 5.76, a small increase compared to 5.71 in 2022 (where we also came 8th).
Here’s what the site commented on Lambeth’s performance:
“The score for Lambeth is largely unchanged from 2022 and the borough sits in eighth place with an overall score of 5.8. The publication of the Lambeth Kerbside Strategy in January 2023 showed the ambition of the borough giving clear guidelines as to how it proposes to reclaim the kerbside as a public rather than a private space. The borough aims to rebalance space away from solely motor vehicle usage and towards more sustainable uses such as street trees and parklets, cycle hangers and shared mobility. The new bus priority indicator shows that Lambeth is one of just three inner London boroughs where between 40% and 50% of bus routes are prioritised principally through bus lanes. This autumn the borough will become fully 20mph as lower speed limits are introduced on the remaining TfL Red Route roads across Lambeth.“
6 key measures are especially being encouraged in all boroughs:
The scorecard is updated annually, and you can check out the full rankings on the site below.