2 years ago

There are big changes on the horizon for Brixton

It’s all change in Brixton! There are big plans afoot for the area, but the council are keen to make sure locals get a say too.

Credit: brixtonblog.com

Lambeth Council have released some big news on Brixton’s future. After a public consultation, they’ve announced some major changes that will be happening in the centre of Brixton. Here are the highlights of the report:

  • International House to undergo a big refurbishment. There will be an additional 7,800 square metres of workspace created for local businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups. 20% of these will be affordable workspaces.
  • 200 new homes created. 50% of these will be “delivered as social rent and shared ownership/London Living Rent”.
  • A new car park, storage spaces and waste compound facilities will improve current street markets
  • Brixton Station Road and Popes Road will both be altered to improve safety and promote active travel.
  • Tree planting, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage systems will contribute to climate resilience measures.

Pop Brixton will be getting a big revamp too, but the council have expressed that they are keen to make sure that local members of the community have a big say in what is going on with the developments. There will be workshops including local residents, businesses and stakeholders where the plans will be clarified and explained and all those involved can shape the outcome.

As well as this, the engagement specialists have made clear that they want to highlight the diversity of Brixton and that their development plans will be a stand for this.

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