3 years ago

£408K To Be Spent On Refurbing The Stockwell Skatepark

Though the skatepark was meant to get an update in 2018, the contractor that was previously hired failed to get the ball rolling.

So the council have bought them off the project and found a new contractor, who will get the job done for the small (ahem) fee of £408,000. The skatepark was opened in 1978 and is in serious need of a refurb. 11 out of the 14 features in the park are said to be high-risk, and the site risks closure if it isn’t fixed soon. ⁠

The original contractor was hired in 2018. Lambeth admits:

“The contractor failed to mobilise against three mobilisation deadlines in 2019, quoting various reasons including challenges around site access, which are complex in the busy part of Lambeth. The contract was eventually terminated in January 2020 by mutual agreement, with the contractor reimbursed for design and engagement work carried out so far.”

There were two options considered: a basic refurbishment or a complete refurbishment. The Council has gone through the entire refurbishment process, which includes the addition of some modern features. A 20-year warranty is provided by Betongpark Limited.

Local schools, community groups, and disabled users are expected to benefit from the new facilities once construction is completed. A £10,000 outreach grant has been proposed by the London Marathon Trust.

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