3 years ago

The Rose & Crown gets Vogue recognition

The Rose & Crown has had a write up in Vogue. Even cooler is that the article is about feminism and pubs. Now that is something we can get behind.

Credit: Petr Kaiser

One of our favourite pubs has had a huge shout out in a Vogue article. The article writes about the ability for our local boozers to be feminist locations. Pubs are historically a male-dominated space, but the Rose & Crown are challenging this idea. How? Well, first things first, it’s female owned and led. Owner Josephine Savry has employed Rosannah Cherrill as her assistant general manager. Together they are trying to undo the footy chanting, beer guzzling, male-dominated stereotype of a Great British pub.


What will it be replaced with? An inclusive place for anyone to feel safe and accepted to come for a drink in. They’re keen to welcome the regulars who want their after work pint, but they’re not afraid to put their foot down when things get rowdy to assure that female drinkers can feel comfortable at the Rose & Crown. Other small touches are including a variety of drinks (including cocktails) on their menu and lightening the interior- cosy but with no threatening darker corners.

Feminism and pubs. What an iconic duo.

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