3 years ago
Remember the stuff you did whilst we were in the throws of lockdown? Or maybe you want to forget… there’s a show about it.
‘Love in the Time of Lockdown’ might still feel a little close to the bone for many. But if you are more robust and totally over it then we would really encourage you to go and see this show. Having stormed the Edinburgh Fringe last summer with sold out shows, we are expecting it to steal the hearts of Clapham too. It will be showing in The Bread and Roses theatre from today until Saturday only! In their fleeting visit they’re giving you 4 opportunities to see the show, with 7.30pm performances every evening and an addition 2.30pm matinee on the 10th.
Go and get your heart strings tugged by this show, written and directed by Saskia Wesnigk-Wood.