2 years ago

Ready to Feel Electric, Clapham?

Feel Electric is a super efficient way of working out. We are talking 20mins a week kinda efficient. Sound like a bit of you? Check this out.

Clapham has a brand new gym concept coming to whip you into shape. Feel Electric is landing in Clapham North, ready to offer you a very unique way to workout. They use EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) to make muscles work harder. Basically, you wear a special suit whilst you are working out that attaches to the body and stimulates the muscles via small electrodes. It means that the muscles are contracting a lot more than you’d usually be able to achieve in a normal gym. And, to save you the internet search, the electrodes don’t hurt (we Googled it) .

Credit: @feelelectricems

More muscle contractions also mean that you can get an effective workout in in no time at all. Most sessions at Feel Electric are just 20 minutes long! A great solution for those who find squeezing in a moment to get to the gym tough. Plus, for any aesthetic goals, Feel Electric reckon that they can get you there 3 times as quickly as conventional methods. As well as their training which, by the way, is always monitored very carefully by qualified PTs, they offer a huge range of other treatments. As well as their training programmes they offer physiotherapy, injury rehab and diet & nutrition advice too. They’ve got you completely covered.

Credit: @feelelectricems

Feel Electric is opening on the 16th January- head to their website to bag yourself one of their trial offers.

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