3 years ago

You can get free burgers this weekend in Brixton

If you’re doing veganuary, an all year round vegan or just burger lover, this is for you.

Credit: @oowee_vegan

Oowee is pretty big in the vegan burger scene, we are blessed to have one of their stores tucked away in Brixton Village. They’ve created a fast-food set up with a menu full of the junk icons; burgers, popcorn chickn and those marmite butter waffle fries, to name but a few. And all completely animal-free.

Even better news is that this weekend they are giving away 100 burgers completely free. Yep, you heard correct. Zero pounds for a delicious lunch. And all you need to do to get your mitts on one is to get down to the Brixton location on Saturday at 1pm and keep your fingers crossed you aren’t number 101 to turn up. The freebees are to celebrate their collaboration with Beyond Meat to create the delicious sounding ‘Flamin’ Hot Smash Burger’ (that is a double patty, American-cheese, hot mayo, fried jalapeño filled bun). See you in the queue.

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